6.19--"I Get a Sidekick Out of You" (kinda)
Ack! I didn't post anything for 6.19: "I Get a Sidekick Out of You"! I'll chalk it up to the fact that my parents were in town, and I wasn't exactly at the computer as much as I usually am.
Quick review: I loved the episode. I really felt like I was watching an old friend's wedding, and I cried. It was so perfect and so very LaneandZach. I loved that there were, essentially, 3 weddings--one for each generation--and I love that everything reflected them so vividly.
The biggest thing was that it was just a happy episode. Until the last few minutes, people were happy and laughing, and it was a throwback to the "old" days of GG. I didn't even mind Chris--when he and Lorelai are just friends, it's okay. When they interact as parents, both involved in something that's important to Rory, I don't mind it. I still don't actually like him, and I think he's an idiot of the highest degree in most cases, but I didn't mind him.
Anyways. I haven't watched "Super Cool Party People" yet, so I can't comment on that, but I can (and will) post a conversation that Adina and I were having today, regarding Logan and Jess. As you all know, I am a hardcore Rory/Jess shipper, but I don't mind her with Logan. I've seen character growth in Logan, and I think he's honestly making an effort... so, if my perfect world doesn't come to pass (then again, everything's up for grabs after last week's big news!) and Rory ends up with Logan in the end, I won't be devastated. I'll be happier to see her with Jess, but Logan's not evil.
This is what started it: Someone on the threads said, "I LOVE the idea of a Rory/Logan/Jess triangle, because I think all three characters have their flaws yet are still likeable and able to redeem themselves (unlike certain adults on this show)," and our conversation went from there...
Alida: Interesting... would a L/R/J triangle be more compelling than a J/R/D triangle? Do all 3 of them have more redeeming qualities than others?
Adina: I don't want the show to turn into a soap opera more than it already has. I don't want another Rory triangle...if she decides/realizes she wants to be with Jess, I want her to make a rational decision and then break up with Logan because she has realized he is not who she wants to be with; not necessarily break up with Logan FOR Jess but because she realizes she doesn't love him enough to want to be with jsut him.
Alida: It's interesting, too, because both boys have changed, in different ways, for her or because of her. That adds a new dynamic to the whole thing, in a way. I agree, though--I don't want a triangle. I want a dilemma, maybe, or a struggle, but not a soap opera-y triangle.
Adina: Exactly--an internal Rory struggle.
Alida: I think that the R/D/J triangle was different, because it was at a different time in her life, and a different time in the show--triangles like that are very common in high school, whereas now, they're trying to show her relationships as being more mature and adult. Whether or not that's the case is beside the point. Also, the show at that point was much less soap opera-y altogether, so that storyline wasn't overkill, which it would be now.
Adina: She was in high school and Dean was her first boyfriend and she was struggling slightly with her new feelings combined with "but I thought I love Dean" and a desire not to have anyone get hurt. She should be mature enough to realize the "no one gets hurt" scenario isn't possible and she shouldn't make people miserable for longer than she has to.
Alida: I think the biggest thing between Jess and Logan is that right now, Logan is in these big situations with her, whereas Jess isn't--it's the old "how can you compare Jess at 17 to Logan at 22" argument. You can't. But you can compare what you know of both of their personalities... and I think that Logan's biggest points right now is that he really is trying to do right by her--he's trying to communicate, even if she's not willing. I'd just like the chance to see Jess in the same situations that Logan is in, you know?
Adina: So what situations do you mean that you want to see Jess in?
Alida: The whole long-term, been together for a year, living together, dealing with family crises, how do they deal when one of them is sick/injured, what happens when one of them screws up and they have a big fight... the general things that come along with a long-term, committed, more adult relationship, not the specifics of Logan sleeping with bridesmaids and jumping off a cliff. I think that it would be a totally different thing to see Jess in that kind of relationship now than it would be to see him dating Rory when they were in high school.
Adina: Wow... yeah, I get it. Me too! They've both grown, and as much as we say Rory hasn't, she has.
Alida: They all have. All three of them have grown since we first saw them, and I'll admit that in a lot of ways, we've seen Logan "grow into" being a committed boyfriend.
Adina: He really has, and it's not just lip service. Just look back at Pulp Friction when Logan had three dates or something...
Alida: I think that the difference is that it's because of keeping Rory that Logan has grown up, whereas Jess did it because of Rory's influence, and if he came back romantically, he would already be a committed, mature man before going into the relationship, as opposed to growing into it while they were there. Does that make sense? Not that Logan's sense of commitment is less; just that Jess' has been developed outside of Rory.
Adina: I see what you mean but I don't know if that makes a difference.
Alida: I don't know if it would, either; it's just an interesting comparison.
So. There you go. It's not quite a direct cut-and-paste of our conversation--I cleaned it up some, and made it easier to follow--but that's the general idea. It's a controversial topic to get into on the boards, because people are very passionate one way or the other, and I don't want to be responsible for starting a flame war! Still, I want to get more opinions on it. Talk to me! What do you think?
I really do like Logan and Rory's development - he has really committed to her in a way he never believed he could - and has become very much a caring partner. Yes, he has sidesteps, but I view many of those more in connection with a rebellion against the situation he's being frogmarched into regarding 'the family business'. I think he feels HE is being pushed off a cliff.
But those are very interesting points you brought up: what would Jess and Rory's relationship be like on a mature level? We've seen only hints and can speculate. Especially now, once Rory has moved into a world wholly unconnected with Jess. Collegiate life and the sophisticated, wealthy crowd have exposed Rory to a side that Jess is unfamiliar with. It would take a lot of work to bridge that gap.
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